Thursday, September 9, 2010

Date Night

I kind of expected constant funnies from this movie. I mean, come on, it's Steve Carell and Tina Fey! But while it definitely had some good laughs about it ("I'm going to go home and fart in a shoebox"), there was too much Other Stuff that got in the way. There were times when this movie almost fell into the trap of taking itself too seriously. Like when it tried to be all sweet and heartwarming, or during action sequences with barely any dialog. Funny people need dialog!

OK, well maybe the action sequences weren't all bad. This movie may have the best car chase scene since The Blues Brothers. And Carell and Fey weren't the only funny ones. I was a fan of the cab driver, and of James Franco as sleeveless tattooed white trash who doesn't want to sell stolen wheelchairs for the rest of his life.

So maybe I didn't hee-haw constantly but I still had fun.


  1. Finally rented this one. And I agree, I expected much more laughs. Although there were a few times when I was cracking up, thought the whole movie would be more funny.

    Loved James Franco, when he calls him Aaron Burr! Taste and Whipit, hee hee. Forgot he was in it, so pleasant surprise. Shirtless Mark Wahlberg and the taxi driver were great too. He looked so familiar I had to look him up. He was on 'Til Death, a TV show with the brother from Everybody Loves Raymond. Good show but I think it's off the air.

    Anyway, I also assumed there would be many more silly outtakes, I loved the ones that were in the credits, did you see them?

    "He turned the gun sideways, that's the kill shot!"

  2. It's been so long, I can't remember if I watched the outtakes in the credits! (Of course, knowing my memory, if it had been a week it would probably have been too long.)
