Friday, July 31, 2009

Not Watching Tonight: Stir of Echoes

The first night I tried to watch this movie, Hud was at work (as usual) and the kids were asleep, so I might as well have been home alone. I thought I was going to watch this movie while I picked up the house, folded laundry and washed dishes, but I couldn't even make it through the menu clip because it was too creepy. I thought maybe I could mostly just listen to the movie and not look if it got too scary, but even the sound was freaking me out (and I was catching glimpses of the TV reflected in the windows and the door to the microwave when I didn't want to). For a while it remained to be seen whether I would be able to convince Hud to watch this movie with me or whether I would just return it to netflix unwatched. What I was certain about was the fact that I would not be watching the movie that night, nor any other night that I was effectively alone. Especially after midnight! That's OK, I needed to just go to bed anyway.

Last night I managed to convince Hud to stay up with me and watch it. He'd seen it before and really didn't care about it but I guess he must love me because he agreed to watch it again anyway. My characterization of the movie? Utterly forgettable. My reason? Turns out I'd seen it before too, and had completely forgotten this. Even as I watched, parts of it seemed vaguely familiar, but overall it was like my "literary amnesia" except I suppose in this case it's "cinematic amnesia". 

It was creepy, and I was glad to have Hud there with me, but I hope that from now on I can remember that I've already seen this movie, so that I won't bother watching it again.

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