Thursday, July 16, 2009

Electra Glide in Blue

I knew nothing about this movie other than that it is about a short cop. Oh, and that it stars the guy from Beretta (which I've heard of but never seen... and apparently he murdered his wife in real life...?) Hud had watched this movie, and then he put it on *my* netflix queue. (Yes, we each have our own). In fact at first I assumed he had mistakenly put it on my queue instead of his, but no, he really did intend to add it to mine. Hmmm. Apparently this is one of those "cult classics," but have you ever heard of it? It's definitely not a "cult classic" in the same league as The Rocky Horror Picture Show or Heavy Metal  (because I've at least heard of those other two, and have even seen one of them). 

I didn't really know what to make of this movie. Maybe I didn't understand it. But I couldn't figure it out. After we watched it I asked Hud what the point of the movie was and he replied, "Does a movie always have to have a point?" Then, reading the netflix synopsis, I asked Hud what the main character's "delusions about himself" had been, and Hud replied that he didn't want to dissect the movie like a book in English class. Oh well. I am guessing the character's delusions had something to do with being alone.

I must say I was surprised that the main character got shot dead at the end of the movie. I didn't see that coming at all. Although I think that the point was, this was the first time he had ever deviated from "proper police procedure" and look where it got him. 

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