Monday, August 9, 2010


This is why I watch movies. Every now and then I stopped to wonder why I was laughing at all of this murder and mayhem, but I think my ability to be humored rather than horrified had much to do with the absolutely cartoonish quality of the movie. It was so obviously not real, but I was having too much fun to bother being annoyed by improbabilites.

This movie rocks. Don't let your kids watch it, don't let my mom watch it, don't expect to learn much from it, but don't miss it.


  1. Oh you are so right about this, I loved it to bits.

  2. Did you know that Hit Girl was also in The Diary of a Wimpy Kid? Not as Hit Girl, of course. She was still totally cool, albeit to a lesser degree, but in a much more believable way. Anyway, that was a cute movie, but I don't really recommend it to you, unless you have (three or fewer) kids to watch it with.
