Friday, May 28, 2010

Y Tu Mamá También

Well. This movie is not for the faint of heart. What it amounts to is a porno with a little less sex and a little more plot. The literal translation of the title is "And your mama too," but this movie is not for your mama (unless she's a really different mama from mine). Wow, it's kind of funny to think this same director did one of the Harry Potter movies.

Hud says Tenoch and Julio are like a Mexican Beavis & Butthead. I didn't think they were quite so bad until the scene where they were each lying on a diving board at a deserted pool and simultaneously jacking off. I had flashbacks to Beavis doing his "monkey boy."

They sure gave a lot of odd extraneous information in this movie. I thought they might tie together all the loose threads in the end, making them suddenly relevant, but . . . they didn't.

In a nutshell: this was another one of those movies that made Hud say, "You sure can pick 'em."

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