Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Women

Oh. My. Gosh. This movie is just so silly. And not silly in a lovely, wonderful Princess Bride kind of way. Silly in the sort of way that, instead of being titled The Women, should have been named The Rich, Vain, Self-Absorbed Women and Their Petty Problems. It's an understatement to say that this movie was chick lit on film.

I have to wonder if, had I been prepared for the silliness that is this movie, or if I'd been in different company, would I have liked it or found it more funny? I just have the feeling that, given the caliber of the actresses in this movie, it must have been better than I thought it was.

Favorite part of the movie: Parade of shoes montage at the beginning. It's sad when the best part of the movie is in the first five minutes.

I am SO LUCKY I didn't try to force Hud to watch this movie with me. I could never have repaid that debt.

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