I watched this movie nearly two weeks ago. Normally I don't take so long to blog about a movie, but then normally I don't come out of one with so many questions.
I didn't realize I had so many questions right at first. I was actually surprised (judging by what I'd previously heard) that the movie wasn't especially hard to follow, and it all seemed to make sense to me. I would have blogged about it the night I watched it except that we'd already stayed up way too late and I was incredibly tired. But in the days since then, I found I wanted to do a bunch of googling before I wrote this post.
Oh, by the way, did I mention I thought this movie was awesome? It's right up there with The Matrix (first one only!!) in its mindblowing combination of WTFery and action/effects. It's a great story in a great package. I would totally watch it again, and that's saying a lot coming from someone with a neverending list of movies to watch.
In fact, judging by my questions, I need to watch this movie again. Most of them, I think, were answered during the movie. I asked Hud what he thought on each of these and he couldn't answer a single one. I don't think he was paying attention. I, on the other hand, was at the edge of my seat and completely focused throughout the entire movie, which is really unusual for me. But I still had the following questions:
What was the secret Mal had hidden away? I forgot . . . was it that she believed their world (in limbo) was real? What was the little thing she locked in her safe to symbolize this?
I didn't understand why Cobb's father(-in-law?) was first in Paris, then the US. Does he live in Paris and just happened to be visiting his grandkids when Cobb finally got back home?
How long was Cobb gone--why did it look like his kids hadn't aged? I actually think I know the answer to this one. Apparently they used two different sets of kids during filming--one pair older, one younger--so they were supposed to have looked like they aged. I just didn't notice it.
How did Cobb and Mal get lost in limbo for so long? Looking back (and if my answer to my first question is right) it must be because for a long time she didn't realize it wasn't real.
Why didn't Cobb want to see his kids' faces in limbo? He deliberately turned away so that he wouldn't.
Why did the van hitting the water not wake them up in the plane? (I think I know the answer to this one too--it was because of the sedation.)
Then, of course, there's the big question: Do YOU think the top toppled? I was actually expecting that ending, but I was not expecting the ambiguity. I thought the movie would end with a smoothly spinning top that never dropped. Anyway, I say it wobbled, so it was going to fall.
As for my poor friend who called this movie bizarre and said she was disappointed in it, I pity her. If such a movie can be a letdown, her life must be rife with dissatisfaction. That must suck.
Another Movie Round-Up Post
6 years ago
I'm probably the only one on the planet who hasn't seen this movie, right? It came out when we were in the middle of our crazy move to a new country. I bought it for my brother for Christmas so I may have to steal his copy when I go visit this summer. I don't know anyone that was disappointed with it.
ReplyDeleteIf you watch it again, most of those questions will be answered, I will tell you it was the top she put in the safe. That may shed some light. Also, remember each level you go down is longer (x10?). He and Mal went down 3 levels when no else thought you could. If you want all the answers I can give them, but I think you would enjoy watching it again. I know I did.
ReplyDeleteAs for the end, I thought that was what you would love about the movie, the ambiguity. You decide what you think happened.
Well, Kristi, there are probably a few people in Wildest Borneo who haven't seen it. Plus my mom. :) But you definitely need to see it! Maybe don't wait until the summer!!
ReplyDeleteMandy, I guess I do need to watch it again. But I could have sworn that Cobb was the one who put the top in the safe. I thought Mal put something in first (a small oddly-shaped metal thing that I didn't recognize), and then Cobb added the top. I thought that was how he accomplished the inception. But I'll rewatch it again sometime and decide then. So . . . what do YOU think happened at the end?
Cobb puts the top BACK in... inception.
ReplyDeleteMy heart says it toppled but my head says it's still spinning!
I'm glad I'm not the only one that hasn't seen it. :)
ReplyDeleteI guess I could rent it, but I was planning on buying it anyway. The crappy thing is that I can't buy it here because of the region coding. The UK DVDs don't work in US players and vice versa. I don't really want to buy any movies here because when we move back home in a year and half they will be useless. Dilemmas, dilemmas. :)
I agree that most of the questions are answered in the film. While the plot is definitely complex enough to warrant multiple viewings, I am one of those who believe there is only one right answer for whether or not the top falls. I am teaching this for the first time in my Film class (next week actually) so I can't wait to see what my students make of it.
ReplyDeleteOK, I thought whatever Mal put in was still there when Cobb put the top in. Definitely going to have to watch it again.
ReplyDeleteKristi--you need to find a kind and generous friend over there who owns it and will let you borrow it! Then buy it when you move back home.
Trisha--Oh, you're killing me by telling me there's only one right answer but not telling me what the right answer is! Here's an interesting thought, though: Cobb doesn't wait to see whether the top falls or not. I think he doesn't *care* whether it falls, because he is where he wants to be, whether it's reality or not.
ALSO: If he's still in a dream state at the end, that means Mal is back in reality. Why wouldn't she have given him a kick to wake him so he could join her?
Kathy, you need to watch it again!!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with your thought here, I thought the same thing: "Cobb doesn't wait to see whether the top falls or not. I think he doesn't *care* (ANYMORE) whether it falls, because he is where he wants to be, whether it's reality or not."
I think that is why it doesn't matter whether it actually topples or not and also that it isn't shown.
I'll have to borrow it from my friend Margaret. I'm going to feel like a big fat dummy if I end up with all the same questions all over again.
ReplyDeleteI doubt it, but you might have some new ones!! Anyway, I'd be happy to answer any of them. But I still think seeing again will clear up a lot. So much happens, it's hard to take it all in during the first viewing.
ReplyDeleteK, I'll watch it again (some day) but THEN you will have to answer all of my questions. :)
ReplyDeleteJust watched Inception again with Eric this time. He hadn't seen it. He had the same reaction at the end. He said, "I have to watch it again!"
ReplyDeleteSo, to your earlier question: Mal puts the top away in the safe because it is her totem to remind her she is in a dream, it never topples in the dreams. She wants the dream to be reality forever. But Cobb, realizes it is getting too unhealthy for them and plants the idea in her head(inception) that she is still in the dream. He does that by finding the top in the safe and spinning it. SO, when Mal goes there it will be spinning away and she can't deny it's still a dream.
AH, OK that makes sense. I will still keep my end of the deal, though, and re-watch it some day!
ReplyDeleteThere were so many other details, the exact sequence had slipped my mind but I looked for it this time. Eric usually busts holes in these types of movies, but he said it was really well done. Hope you enjoy watching it again!