Saturday, January 2, 2010


If I hadn't heard so many people talking about how great this movie was, I probably never would have been interested in seeing it. It sounded like the kind of thing my husband might like, and of course I would have gone to see it with him if he insisted, but as it turns out, I decided that so many intelligent people couldn't be wrong. I was the one who insisted on going.

It was a really good movie. Great, fast-paced story, visually stunning, and more than once it was so intense that every muscle in my body was rigid and I was riveted to the screen. On the other hand, I must admit that after more than 2 hours I did glance at my watch and wonder how much longer until the end.

I also think perhaps my expectations were a bit high, based on rave reviews from friends. Sorry, Gary, I did not find it a "transformative experience." No, Anne, I can't agree that this was "hands down the best movie ever," although this is not because I can rattle off a list of movies that were far better. I could probably say it was among the better movies I've seen, but by degrees rather than indisputably. Oddly enough, the one friend of mine who did the best job describing Avatar was the one who likened this movie to Fern Gully.

I was definitely impressed by the special effects. I will admit that it had the best graphics of any film I've ever seen--possibly even the best of any film yet made. It was a rare moment during the movie that I was reminded that what I was seeing wasn't real. This is certainly a movie that begs to be seen on the big screen. I saw it in 3D, although I'm not convinced that this added to the experience other than to show off what a great job they did with the effects.

Bottom line: enjoyable movie experience, glad I saw it, it was fun and all, but my favorite James Cameron movie is still Titanic. I guess that proves I'm just a girly girl and always will be.

1 comment:

  1. Goodness, I feel like I wrote this review. I agree with everything you said!!
