Sunday, January 17, 2010

Four Christmases

I liked The Proposal better. This movie tried harder to be funny but overdid it a little bit, to the extent that most of it was unrealistic. OK, yeah, movies in general are not realistic, but this one pushed the envelope a little much in order to get laughs. Of course, realistic or not, I still laughed when Reese Witherspoon started kicking butt in the jump castle.

Being a chick myself, I liked the sweetness factor of The Proposal that Four Christmases lacked. And I have to say that either Reese Witherspoon is freakishly short or Vince Vaughn is freakishly tall (or both). But even though I criticize it, this was still a treat to relax in front of with a glass of wine after the kids went to bed.

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