Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

I think this may be one of the many movies that was better as a book. (Not that I've read the book--I'm just guessing). It didn't contain much that was more compelling visually than I imagine the story is in words (except perhaps the scene where Daisy dances at night in the gazebo), although as I've said before, Brad Pitt is awfully pretty and I don't mind looking at him one bit. On the other hand, once again his obviously fake accent was annoyingly distracting.

For most of the movie I found I didn't care much about the characters. Benjamin's condition was mildly interesting, but beyond that I didn't give a whoop about what happened to any of them. (I was curious about how his retro-aging would progress and what this would do to Benjamin's relationship with Daisy, but that was about it). Until Daisy announced that she was pregnant. Then I started to care. Of course Brad Pitt ruined the moment of the baby's birth by announcing that his daughter was "poifect." (I am not kidding. He did it again on Caroline's "foist boithday.") But I must admit it was sadly sweet to watch Toddler Benjamin walking along with Old Daisy, holding her hand as she bent down so he could place a baby kiss on her wrinkled cheek, and I was slightly choked up by the time the cherubic Baby Benjamin closed his darling little eyes and died.

And I was most impressed by the way they managed to make Brad Pitt look younger when he returned after his long absence. Movie magic! How did they DO that?? I mean, he's still a beautiful man, but there's no denying he has some age on him these days. They somehow got him to look just like he did back in his "A River Runs Through It" days, or maybe even "Thelma and Louise" young. I did notice he only appeared in low lighting, so I'm sure that helped, but they must have somehow digitally erased the years. Where can I get me some of that?

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