Monday, June 15, 2009

Pan's Labyrinth

It's been two weeks since I watched this movie and regrettably I can't remember much to say about it. It was very good (except for the faun, plagued by poor special effects that detracted from the movie). It is in Spanish, so I had to watch the English subtitles. And the little girl's stepfather was horribly cruel. In fact I think they may have overstated his cruelty. Anyway, I can't get the image of him beating the poor peasant man to death by repeatedly smashing the butt of a bottle into his face and driving his nose into his brain.

1 comment:

  1. I had a horrible nightmare the night I watched this movie. I ran from my bed screaming and Eric had to tackle me to keep me from hurting myself. I don't remember details but I was afraid for my life.
    And everyone assumes it was the fantastical characters that were scary, no it was the real characters. The fantastical were her escape from reality.
