Saturday, March 5, 2011

I Am Number Four

OK, so this movie was pretty corny. I kind of can't believe I went to see it in the theater. It's just a bunch of pretty people, some of whom are apparently highly-developed alien lightning bugs with flashlights in their palms, being chased by weird-faced shark people and their pair of flying-squirrel-dinosaurs they keep locked in a shipping container on the back of an eighteen-wheeler.

I blame Hud. He picked the movie. Well, it was one of two I offered to him. It looked like either this one or Unknown would be the only two that would fall into the overlap of our Movie Appreciation Venn Diagram circles. We should have picked Unknown.

The last 20 minutes, an action sequence that results in total destruction of the high school, were pretty decent. I know Hud enjoyed that part. But it didn't quite make up for the other 84 minutes.

Yeah. And there's going to be a sequel.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dog Day Afternoon

I guess if I'm going to have a movie blog it helps if I watch movies. I've had this one out from netflix for nearly two months. Somewhere in America someone is cussing me for keeping them from watching it for so long.

Well, they can have it. I guess it wasn't awful, but it's not one I'll be watching over and over again. I mean, it's no Clueless. Plus, I'm not used to movies where the only song is played during the opening credits.

It really was based on actual events, though. That's something. I hate it when a movie (or a book) tells you it's about something that really happened, but it's lying. I'm looking at you, Bridges of Madison County.

At least it had some kind of funny parts, like this one:

"Is there any special country you want to go to?"
