Friday, August 28, 2009

Donnie Darko

I'm trying to think of a good word to describe this movie but the only one that keeps coming to mind is a rude one. An insufficient substitution would be "mind-bending". I'm not going to bother rehashing the plot here, but my take in a nutshell is that Donnie was called into a tangent universe the night of the jet engine crash (and that tangent universe is, by the way, where the jet engine came from). Donnie was killed by the jet engine upon his return to the "real" universe when the tangential one broke down as predicted. 

I wondered why Donnie did not try to avoid his death from the falling jet engine the second time around, when he was back in the primary universe. But then I realized if he avoided death again, he would only find himself in another tangent universe (or a repeat of the same one?) which would at some point break down; and then he would be Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, only creepier.

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